Photo of University Residences Executive in Residence Discussion panel

In 2014, an idea was born to connect alumni and University Residences students in a new way. Boilermakers love to help other Boilermakers and the Executive in Residence (EiR) program provides a way to harness that selfless spirit into a unique mentorship program. Prominent executives and Purdue alumni return to live on campus for a week. Purdue students just like you get opportunities to interact with the execs in various mentorship settings – from lecture halls to residence halls, to dining courts and racquetball courts.

Imagine hearing from someone who sat in the same classrooms, took the same classes and had the same struggles that you are facing right now. Now, imagine someone who has been in your shoes assuring you that overcoming the challenges you currently face will set you up for success in the future.

For alumni, the program is a way to give back to their alma mater and forge meaningful professional connections with students like you.

Learning Outcomes

Students who participate will be able to:

  • Articulate at least one type of leadership style demonstrated by the executive
  • Communicate whether the executive's leadership style is consistent with their own personal style of leadership
  • Describe the path the executive took from Purdue to his/her successful career
  • Identify one personal Purdue experience that will help their own path to success
Purdue President Mung Chiang meets with Executives in Residence Jason Tennenhouse and Bruce Schechter.

Interested in Executive in Residence?

Prospective Visiting Executive in Residence

The EiR program has provided a unique mentorship opportunity to dozens of executives and hundreds of Purdue students. Read more about what's happening with the program in our spring 2024 EiR newsletter.

Previous newsletters:

If you are interested in becoming a visiting Executive in Residence, please email your inquiry to

New Incoming Students

The EiR program has provided a unique mentorship opportunity to dozens of executives and hundreds of Purdue students. Read more about what's happening with the program in our spring 2024 EiR newsletter.

Previous newsletters:

If you are interested in applying for the Executive in Residence Learning Community, please visit the EiR Learning Community web page

If you wish to be contacted by a staff member, please submit an interest form.

Current Enrolled Students

The EiR program has provided a unique mentorship opportunity to dozens of executives and hundreds of Purdue students. Read more about what's happening with the program in our spring 2024 EiR newsletter.

Previous newsletters:

If you are interested in applying for the Executive in Residence Learning Community, please visit the EiR Learning Community web page

If you wish to schedule an interview to join the program, please submit an interest form.

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