Students and parents moving in and out of dorms.

Move-Out Information for Students & Families

Just like the move-in process, we want to make your move-out process as smooth as possible. In most cases, you must be completely moved out of your room and complete the checkout process prior to noon on the final day of your housing contract. Late stay options may be available at an extra cost and must be approved. Check your Purdue email and direct questions to your hall front desk or resident assistant (RA).

You should plan to checkout at your residence hall's main office. UR Boiler Apartments residents should plan to checkout at the Hilltop main office.  

Effective May 6, 2024, if your assigned hall's main office is closed, please use the following location for business/check-out needs:

  • Cary covers for Cary, Hilltop, Owen, Tarkington, and UR Boiler Apartments
  • Frieda Parker covers for Frieda Parker, Winifred Parker, Honors, Windsor, and Wiley
  • Meredith South covers for Meredith South, Meredith, Earhart, First Street, Hillenbrand, Shreve, Harrison, and McCutcheon
  • Hawkins covers for Hawkins

Need to stay after May 6, 2024 but no later than May 13?

If you need to stay after Monday, May 6, 2024, at noon, but no later than Monday, May 13, 2024, at noon:

  • Visit the housing portal and complete the late stay form. The form will go live on April 5, 2024.
  • You may be assessed a $35/day room-only charge for staying late if you live in a traditional residence hall and do not qualify for a pre-approved late stay group where late stay fees are waived.
  • When departing for the Summer break, you must complete the steps listed immediately below.

Departing for Summer

  • Plan to move out prior to Sunday, May 5, 2024, at noon. Anyone needing to stay later than May 13, 2024 should apply for Summer School Housing in the housing portal.
  • Complete the Check Out Form:
    • Pick up the "check out envelope" at your hall's main office.
    • Drop the completed "check out envelope," with the key inside, off at your assigned hall's drop-off location after removing your belongings and cleaning your room. Look for signs and a kiosk dropbox. 
    • The room must be in the same condition it was when resident moved in.
    • Lost key (not turned in at check out): $75 per lost key to replace the lock.
    • Residents will be billed for any damages that have occurred as determined by the university residences team inspection or assessed to the hall community.

Improper Checkout/Items Left Behind

Please note, you may be charged $35/day room only and/or a $50 improper check-out fee for:

  • failing to properly move out/check out when departing.
  • failing to designate an escort to assist with retrieving your belongings.
  • failing to properly or timely remove all belongings. 



I need to stay after May 5, 2024 at noon, how much does it cost and what do I do?
Students needing to stay after May 5 at noon should complete the housing late stay form located on the housing portal. Students will be charged $35/day room-only charge for each night they stay.
I need to stay longer than May 13, how much does it cost and what do I do?

Any student needing to stay after May 13 should plan to complete the Summer Housing application located in the housing portal

Note: This extension may require you to relocate.

Will I lose any unused Dining Dollars?
Any unused Dining Dollars at the end of the academic year will expire.
How will I get my mail?
Log on to your MyPurdue account and change your address to the address you would like your mail to get sent for the summer.
I forgot to complete the check out envelope and turn my key in when I left for break, what do I do?
Please contact the main office of your assigned residence hall as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that main office hours may be restricted due to reduced staff. If you are unable to reach anyone at the main office of the hall you are assigned, please email the hall at the hall email account. Make arrangements with the main office to return your key if possible. You may be assessed a $50 improper check-out fee and if you are unable to return your key in a timely manner you may be assessed $75 for a lock change.