Get ReConnected - February 2021


February 2021

Alumni Feature

Hawthorne Translates Leadership Lessons to Impact in Career

Charles Hawthorne knows his voice matters in leadership positions.

As a student, Hawthorne served as a tour ambassador and tour coordinator for University Residences’ Alumni and Guest Center. He currently serves as a capacity building manager for the National Harm Reduction Coalition, a nationwide advocate and ally for people who use drugs. In his current role, he manages all training work in the state of California for the organization.

“I think there was a really big need for me to show up in both of those roles as my full self,” says Hawthorne. “I think, being a Black queer person, it’s important that I am in those spaces because, oftentimes, those are not the people who are leading trainings or making decisions. It’s important to me to bring that lens to these decisions and trainings.”

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Program Feature

University Residences Working to Incorporate Steps to Leaps Programming

University Residences is working to incorporate elements of a new campus initiative, known as Steps to Leaps, into ResLife.

Steps to Leaps is a collaborative, campus-wide effort to foster lifelong habits and promote a growth mindset in the areas of well-being, leadership and professional development, impact, network building and grit. Steps to Leaps was created by students and staff for students under the care and direction of the Office of the Provost and is aligned with long-term University goals under the Provost Road Map for Transformative Undergraduate Education. Steps to Leaps launched in October 2019.

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Staff Feature

Connections and Impact Possible Through Sourcing of Tea

As the strategic sourcing manager for Purdue Dining & Culinary, Misty Snyder is often looking for new products that can have a positive impact on the student dining experience and the environment.

“I’m in food sourcing because I’m passionate about what’s going on with our environment,” says Snyder. “I look at the things we’re doing right and what we can change through our supply chain because the impact we can have is huge.”

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In this issue

Writer: Matt Vader | Editors: Tammy Loew, Renee Kashawlic, Danielle Fawbush

Editorial Board: John Eckman, Tammy Loew, Renee Kashawlic | Inquiries Contact:

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