University Residences Rates

Housing room rates are the cost of living in University Residences for an academic year (fall/spring semesters). Housing room rates will vary based on location, size and amenities. Room types are categorized as traditional residence hall rooms and apartment layouts. All locations are co-ed.

For more details about a specific room, please visit the residence hall's web page. Students who are assigned to University Residences and attending Purdue for only one semester may calculate the rate by dividing the academic year rates listed in half.

Room Assignment Process

New students will be randomly prioritized in the housing assignment process and room assignments will be made considering room type preferences. Returning students will be able to reapply for housing as space allows.

Room Rates

The table below will let you browse and compare the different rates for various rooms. In addition to an application fee of $50, residential life has a $200 programmatic fee for the academic year. All utilities are included in the rate of the room.


North Hall
Accommodation Type FY 25 Annual Rate
Single w/Bath $8,729.26
Single $8,401.33
Double $8,191.30
LUX on Capitol
Accommodation Type FY 25 Annual Rate
4x4 $12,500
4x4 XL $13,500
3x3 $17,500
1x1 $22,000
Studio $20,000


North Hall
Accommodation Type FY 26 Annual Rate
Single w/Bath $8,991
Single $8,653
Double $8,436
LUX on Capitol
Accommodation Type FY 26 Annual Rate
4x4 $12,900
4x4 XL $13,900
3x3 $15,900
2x2 $17,900
1x1 $22,500
Studio $19,900