Photo of a student in a dorm room in Wiley residence hall.

General Housing FAQs

Who can live in University Residences?

Undergraduate students who are registered for classes at the Purdue West Lafayette Campus and will be at least 16 years old at the start of the contract may live in University Residences.

Students can still stay in student housing and keep their housing contract even if they switch from full-time to part-time enrollment or take online courses during the contract term.

What should I bring?
For more information, please visit our What to Bring webpage.
Can I have a futon or fridge in my room?
University Residences partners with Bedloft as an outside vendor for futons and microfridges that meet our safety and capacity requirements for these items. To find out more about their offerings, or to order your items, please visit
What are the requirements for appliances in my room?
Small electrical appliances, such as coffee makers and popcorn poppers, are allowed in student rooms as long as the heating element is completely enclosed. For other appliances, such as microwaves and refrigerators, please read the Appliances and Room Modifications section of our University Residences Guidelines webpage.
Are University Residences co-ed?
For traditional undergraduate students, University Residences has three women’s halls, four men’s halls and twenty four co-ed halls and apartments with students in separate living areas.
When do the halls open and close for the year?
Information regarding when the residence halls will open and close for the academic year can be found on our Important Dates webpage.
When can I move in?
Information regarding when students can move in for the academic year can be found on our UR Move-In webpage.
When do classes begin?
Information regarding the start of the fall semester for the academic year can be found on our Important Dates webpage.
Can I move my belongings into my room before I am ready to move in?
Information regarding early arrival for the academic year can be found on our UR Move-In webpage.
What are the guest hours for University Residences?

General Policy

First Street Towers, Hawkins, Hillenbrand, Hilltop Apartments, Frieda and Winifred Parker Halls, and UR Boiler Apartments have 24-hour visitation, 7 days per week. In all other undergraduate residences, including any temporary assignment space for beginning students, guests are permitted Sunday - Thursday from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. the following day. There is 24-hours visitation from 8 a.m. Friday until 2 a.m. Monday. Weekend hours will be in effect for the following holidays: Labor Day, October Break and Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Individual residences may modify guest hours to be more restrictive than outlined above for special situations, programs or to assist with stated club preference, such as during finals week. Under all circumstances and at all times, the privacy of your roommate will take priority over a guest.

In accordance with the guest hours’ policy, overnight guests may stay no more than three consecutive nights. Two guests can stay in one room. A person’s presence on a regular or continued basis without a formal contract or assignment is considered cohabitation and will not be permitted.

Hawkins Hall: Personal guests of Hawkins residents must abide by the defined rules and regulations for the facilities. Restroom facilities for guests are usually located in each floor’s public areas. If you need assistance locating these facilities, please ask the staff. Overnight guests may not stay more than three consecutive nights.

Residents will be held responsible for their guests’ behavior and conformity with all University and University Residences policies. Guests who obstruct or disrupt the orderly function of the residence facilities may be asked to leave the building by authorized staff.

Do I have to live in University Residences?
No one is required to live in University housing at any time - unless the student has signed a housing contract to live in University Residences during the contract term. Students who are not attending Purdue University during the contract term will be released from their signed housing contract.
Am I required to find a roommate before I sign my housing contract?
Students who do not have an accepted roommate request will be assigned with a roommate considering the responses to the Personal Preference questions completed in the housing portal.
Are roommate requests guaranteed?
Due to the continued growth and demand for the academic and residential living/learning housing component of all our residences, accepted roommate requests submitted by the priority deadline will be approved as space permits; however, roommate requests received after the priority deadline will be considered but are not guaranteed and are based upon space availability. It is possible that roommate requests may be assigned together, but in a triple, quad or apartment. Students in Learning Communities will not be assigned with a requested roommate who isn’t also in the same Learning Community.
Can I connect to the Internet from my room?
All residences will have ResNet service provided at no additional charge. Find out more at the ResNet website.
Are lofts allowed and where can I obtain a loft?
Can I change pay plans at a later time if I need to?
Payment plans are established by the University and administered by the Bursar's Office. Any questions regarding payment plans should be addressed to the Bursar's Office.
Can I have a car on campus? Is parking available?

Restricted parking permits are only available for first-year students if you have a documented need to travel off campus. An application can be found on the Purdue Parking Office website. If you are assigned to an apartment that has been master-leased to University Residences, contact that apartment management company for information on their specific parking policies. In some cases, parking permits may be purchased separately or the apartment may offer free parking to residents.

Sophomores, juniors and seniors living in most residence halls are eligible for regular parking permits. A limited number of student permits are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Residence hall permits are valid in any space posted with a sign for "Residence Hall" parking.

Please visit the Purdue University Parking office for specific information on parking policies, including dates for when parking permits can be purchased. 

How safe is University Residences?
University Residences strive to provide a safe environment. However, as with any community with a large number of people, it’s best to take precautions such as locking doors and making sure your personal items are covered by your parent’s homeowner’s insurance policy.
Can I leave things in my room over breaks?
Yes, leaving belongings in your room is allowed for all breaks except summer.
Can I stay in my room over breaks?
A typical University Residences contract is for the academic year beginning on a date in mid-August and terminating on a date in early May. Separate summer contracts are available for students who meet requirements, including but not limited to taking summer classes or who have summer employment with the university or who are participating in internships. Students may stay in their assigned space over winter break for an additional fee. Students are able to remain in their assigned space at no additional charge for all other breaks (fall, Thanksgiving, spring). However, there may or may not be meal service available in campus dining facilities during certain limited break periods.
Are there curfews in University Residences?
No, there are no curfews. Doors lock at 11:00 p.m. and residents must either swipe in with their Purdue ID card or go through a main entrance to gain access, but residents are not required to be in their rooms at any time.
Can I smoke in my room?
No. All University Residences are non-smoking. Please note E-cigarettes or any other device used to vaporize or atomize a nicotine based or non-nicotine based liquid solution to the smoking materials are not permitted in University Residences.
Where can I do laundry?

There is a laundry room in every residence hall. All washers and dryers in traditional University Residences are front-load high-efficiency machines that maximize load size and conserve water and energy use. University Residences Boiler Apartments have washers and dryers either in unit or in the building complex.

The washers and dryers that require payment (traditional residence halls, Hilltop, and some UR Boiler Apartment locations) only accept CSCPay which is a mobile app used to not only pay for laundry but also to see status updates and receive notifications when your laundry cycle is finished. Students may add funds to their CSCPay account via the app.

Note: Students who don't have a smartphone should visit the main office of either Hawkins Hall or Frieda Parker Hall for an alternative payment option.

The charges to wash and dry your clothes are as follows:

Location Wash Fee (per load) Dry Fee (per load) Extra Dry Time Payment Accepted
Traditional Halls, Hilltop, some UR Boiler Apartment locations $2.50  $2.00 $.25 CSCPay App
First Street Towers, Aspire, some UR Boiler Apartment locations None None None Fees Included In Room Rate


What is the standard residence mattress size and are bed linens provided?
The standard residence mattress size is 36” x 78”. Bed linens are not provided.
Do I need to clean my room?
Your room is your responsibility. You are not required to clean your room except before check-out at the end of the academic year. Mops, brooms, and vacuum cleaners are available at each residence. We encourage students to clean their rooms on a regular basis.
Is there anywhere I can cook?
Most residences have kitchenettes available for residents to do limited amounts of cooking.
Can I get a single room?
The number of single rooms is very limited, and students currently living in University Residences have first priority for assignment to these rooms. New students will have the opportunity to preference a single room type at the time they rank their room type preferences on their housing contract.
What can I do if I have roommate problems?
University Residences encourages open communication between residents. If talking it out between the two of you doesn’t work, your floor resident assistant is an excellent resource for assistance.
Who can I contact if I have a specific question regarding my room and/or roommate?
Please contact the main office of the residence where you are currently assigned for questions regarding your room and/or roommates. Their telephone number and email address are located on each hall's home page under Housing Options.
Are pets allowed?
No pets are allowed in undergraduate University Residences except fish.
Is there a campus bus service?
Yes. Purdue University students may ride CityBus by showing their PUID.
Is there a campus safety escort program?
Yes. The Purdue Student Security Patrol is a group of specially selected and trained students who offer evening safe walks to students and staff and also provide extra observation in parking garages and other areas of Purdue’s campus.  Safe walk escorts are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 765-494-SAFE (7233).
Where can I go if I am ill?
Purdue has a Purdue Student Health Center. There are also two hospitals in Lafayette.
What Television services does my room have?
The BoilerTV Network offers premium sports and movie channels and is available in all residence halls on mobile devices via the Apogee Stream2 app, which offers DVR functionality. BoilerTV is also available in most residence halls via traditional coaxial cable using newer TVs that have a compatible QAM tuner (Meredith South and Frieda Parker Halls only have access to BoilerTV via the Stream2 app). BoilerTV channels include premium sports and movie channels as well as the Campus Life Channel, the BoilerTV channel, and On Demand Movies. For additional information visit the BoilerTV website.
Do I need to purchase property insurance?
The university does not assume responsibility for the loss of money or valuables, damage to property, or injuries on the premises. If you are not covered under your parent/guardian's homeowner's insurance policy, we strongly recommend you make arrangements for insurance protection against such losses.

New Undergraduate Student FAQs

If you are a new incoming resident, please see our New Undergraduate Resident FAQs.

Temporary Housing FAQs

If you have been assigned to Temporary housing, please visit our Temporary Housing webpage.

Reapplication FAQs

If you are a current resident, please visit our Current Resident FAQs.