University Residences remains a community of choice for Purdue students with all students having the opportunity to continue living on campus. As a reminder, University Residences guarantees space to incoming freshmen who meet the May 5 deadline. To honor this opportunity for freshmen, returner space is limited to approximately 550 bed spaces. If you do not have the opportunity to select a space, there are other housing options available including off-campus housing.
STEP 1: Opt-in to the Housing Reapplication Process | January 27 at 8:30 a.m. EST to February 4, 2025 at 5 p.m. EST | Current residents must opt in to the process if they would like the opportunity to select a room for the 2025-26 academic year. |
STEP 2: Housing Results Notification | On February 12, 2025 | Current residents who have signed an application will receive an email with either a time slot for room selection or a notification that you were not selected for reapplication. |
STEP 3: Room Selection and Confirm Your Housing Contract | February 17 to February 21, 2025 | Assigned room selection time slots for those selected in the Housing Reapplication Process. Housing applications and room selections become binding on 2/28/2025 at 11:59 p.m. EST. |
To learn more about each step, visit the Housing Reapplication webpage.
University Residences has allotted space for returning students limited to approximately 550 bed spaces. To ensure an equitable experience, process selections are determined randomly.
Residents can opt into the Housing Reapplication Process from January 27 at 8:30 a.m. EST to February 4 at 5 p.m. EST in the Housing Portal. All process participants will have an equal opportunity to select a room, regardless of whether they are in a group or not. Group sizes will be weighted to ensure fairness. There is no fee to enter the housing reapplication process.
Residents selected in the process will have an opportunity to select a room for the 2025-26 academic year during their assigned time slot. The room selection process for selected students will take place from February 17-21.
The system will ask you for your Purdue ID Number to sign your housing application. The Housing Portal uses the latest in encryption technology to help ensure your personal information is secure. After you sign your application, you will receive a confirmation email at your Purdue email address.
No. Signing an application only guarantees participation in the Housing Reapplication Process.
If you choose to opt into the Housing Reapplication Process, you will receive an email sent to your Purdue email address notifying you of your status on February 12. In this email, you will either receive a date and time (time slot) to choose a room in the Housing Portal or a notification that you were not selected for reapplication. All residents selected in the process will be able to select a room from available inventory.
If you are not selected and are not able to choose a room, we will keep your name on a standby list. If more space becomes available during the process, we will contact those next in line on the standby list. Any remaining students after reapplication concludes will have the opportunity to join a waitlist in March.
Students with housing accommodations will be permitted to participate in the room selection process to ensure suitable housing options are available to meet ADA requirements efficiently.
Your housing application is considered complete once you have signed your application and selected a room. You will receive a confirmation email at your Purdue email address once you have completed all steps of the reapplication process.
You will be able to select and update your meal plan during summer 2025.
The deadline to sign your housing application and opt into the housing process is February 4, 2025 at 5 p.m. EST. Please note, your housing application does not guarantee you will be able to select a room. Students who have applied will be notified on February 12 if they will have the opportunity to select a room per the housing reapplication process selection.
For students selected in the process, the housing contract will become legally binding on February 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. EST if they have successfully selected a room.
If a student is selected from the waitlist to be offered a bed space, they have 72 hours to accept and sign their housing contract.
The housing application is for the entire 2025-26 academic year. However, if you plan to withdraw, graduate from Purdue University, or leave for a Study Abroad Program or Co-op position at the end of the 2025 fall semester, you will be released from your housing contract for the 2026 spring semester and will not be billed housing charges for the second semester. You will have the opportunity to notify your residence's main office in November 2025 if you're not planning to return to Purdue University for the second semester.
You can only change your room in the Housing Portal during your assigned twelve-hour time slot. You will not be able to change your room assignment selection outside of your assigned time slot during the reapplication process.
Upon the conclusion of the reapplication process, students who are not satisfied with their space or roommates will have the opportunity to request a room change. Details will be available later in the spring semester.
If your plans change and you will not be attending classes at Purdue's Indianapolis campus for the 2025-26 academic year, please cancel your housing application. If it is after the binding date, contact us at
Students who will be on a co-op position, a study abroad program or who are called to military active duty during the fall semester but want to return to University Residences for the 2026 spring semester will have the opportunity to sign a contract for the spring semester beginning in October 2025.
To cancel your housing contract, click on the Reapplication tab in the navigation bar, select the term Academic Year 2025-26 and click on the “Cancel” link. You will then receive an email confirmation at your Purdue email address.
For students selected in the process, the housing contract must be cancelled before February 28, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Students who are selected from the waitlist will be offered a bed space and have 72 hours to accept and sign their housing contract. The contract becomes binding 72 hours after a student accepts their bed space.
If you decide not to attend Purdue University for the 2025-26 academic year before the reapplication process ends, you should cancel your application in the Housing Portal. You will receive an email confirmation and your accepted roommate request will receive an email notification at their Purdue email address. If the reapplication process has closed and you later decide to not attend Purdue for the 2025-26 academic year, you should contact us at
The student agrees to make payment of the assessed rates to the university for the assigned room for the term of this housing contract according to the university’s payment plan, administered by the Office of the Bursar.
Yes and your room might not be available during your room selection time slot. Rooms of all types have been proportionally allotted for returning residents. Beds identified for returners will be available during room selection until they are filled.
No. Rooms of all types have been allotted for returning residents and beds identified for returners will be available during room selection until they are filled.
The preferences are a series of questions to assist residents in selecting rooms and roommates. You can see the preferences of the person you select as your roommate. Learning and discussing any areas of difference between your preferences and those of your roommate may help avoid an issue later. University Residences also uses the information to help match roommates in the event a resident does not request a roommate and there is a vacant space in their room.
If a high volume of students are attempting to access the Housing Portal at one time, the Housing Portal may go down. If that is the case, please remain patient and try again in an hour or so.
University Residences has increased portal capacity and room selection time slots have been allotted to groups of limited students in twelve-hour windows to ease the burdens on the Housing Portal. The increased capacity and allotment of selection windows are expected to enhance portal stability, reduce sluggish response times in the portal and reduce the need for students to access the portal multiple times.
If you have requested a roommate in the Housing Portal, the student you have requested will be sent an email notification at their Purdue email address. They will then need to either accept or reject your request in the Housing Portal. Very Important! If your roommate request is accepted, you will also need to assign your accepted roommate request to the other space in the room you reserved before it is taken by another student.
Knowing the Purdue alias of the person you request as your roommate helps ensure the correct person is assigned as your roommate. This information is also used as an identifier in the system.
If your requested roommate cancels their application or contract before the binding date, you will receive an email notification at your Purdue email address - provided that they initiated the request to be roommates.
If your requested roommate has not yet accepted your request to be roommates, you may edit your contract and remove them as a requested roommate.
If you wish to change your roommate request AFTER your time slot and binding date, you will need to contact us via email or call (765) 494-1000. Your request will be considered but it is not guaranteed.
If the person you want to request for a roommate is not currently living in University Residences and is not a new incoming freshman or a new Exchange Program student for the 2025-26 academic year, they will be required to place their name on a waiting list to sign a housing contract. If space in University Residences is available after the incoming student deadline, they will be notified and will be given eligibility to sign a housing contract.
If your requested roommate decides not to attend Purdue for the 2025-26 academic year, they should cancel their signed housing application in the Housing Portal before the applicable binding date. If they withdraw from the university after the reapplication process ends, you will be notified of your new roommate assignment as it becomes available via your Purdue email address.
No. University Residences reserves the right to consolidate the room assignments of returning residents who do not select a roommate during the Reapplication process. If consolidation is necessary, you will remain in the residence for which you contract and will be notified of your new assignment and roommate.
We realize you may still have questions and/or unique situations or concerns. The Central Assignments Office can be reached by email or by phone at (765) 494-1000. We are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST.