January 19, 2024 - Housing Reapplication Email


Welcome to Purdue University Residences! We are excited to serve as your campus home at Purdue in Indianapolis for the 2024-25 school year. More than just a place to sleep, University Residences offers experiences such as hall clubs, leadership opportunities, learning communities and more to help you feel at home on campus.

If you are interested in living on campus during the 2024-25 academic year, we wanted to remind you that reapplication for housing will begin on January 26 and end on February 11. You can reapply for housing through the housing portal. Locations available for reapplication include North Hall and LUX on Capitol. Visit housing.purdue.edu/indy to view room rates, layouts, amenities and more.

If you would like to live with other Purdue students, please remind them to sign up for their Purdue Career Account, which provides access to the housing portal. You and your roommates will receive all housing communications through your Purdue email.

We look forward to serving as your campus home at Purdue in Indianapolis. Boiler up!


Purdue University Residences