August 2021
Student Feature
Dining & Culinary Hosts Summer Food Service Management Internship
Six students from universities across the country participated in a 10-week summer food service management internship with Purdue Dining & Culinary, where they received hands-on experience and a comprehensive look at residential dining operations.
Faculty Feature
University Residences Honors Memory of Long-Time Faculty Fellow
University Residences has honored the memory of a long-time Faculty Fellow by renaming its top award for Faculty Fellows in honor of the late Dr. Gerald Krockover, Professor Emeritus of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences.
Student Feature
Graduate Student Reflects on Residential Life Experiences
Natalie Murdock has spent the last four years in Residential Life, first as resident assistant in Windsor Halls for two years and now as the residence education assistant in Hawkins Hall. During that time she has developed her leadership skills and learned important lessons as a result of her experiences.