Ford Dining Court Celebrates 20 Years

Students share a laugh in Ford Dining Court.

Students share a laugh in Ford Dining Court.

This fall marks the 20th anniversary of the opening of Ford Dining Court. 

The opening of Ford marked the beginning of a new era for Purdue Dining & Culinary (then Housing and Food Services) as the first free-standing dining court after the implementation of the Campus Dining Master Plan. Before the construction of Ford, dining courts were housed within residence halls.

Located at the corner of Stadium Avenue and Russell Street, Ford has long been a meeting place for Boilermakers to celebrate athletic victories held in nearby Ross-Ade Stadium, Mackey Arena and Holloway Gymnasium. Special meals for holidays like Thanksgiving and Halloween have created cherished memories for students and staff alike. Ford has even played host to wedding receptions. The design of the dining court lends itself to a low-key, relaxed atmosphere that invites students to make memories during mealtime.

Kathy Lynch has served as a cook on the Ford staff since its opening. While students are only on campus for a few years and staff can change, Lynch says people have been the bedrock of her experience on the Ford staff. She fondly recalls befriending a student employee from Croatia, who brought back chocolate to share with the staff.

“Meeting the kids and getting to know them is one of the highlights,” Lynch says. “I’m still enjoying the work and the people we have on staff are like family.” 

Cathy Hartz has spent 20 of her 22 years with Dining & Culinary as a member of the Ford staff. Hartz began as a salad station lead and now supervises the dining court’s On-The-GO! station, which provides grab-and-go options for students. She says she has made many wonderful memories associated with staff, students and major events.

“During a school year, it’s amazing to see the student and staff relationships grow into a family,” Hartz says. “These students are dedicated and the friendships they have made working in the dining courts have lasted a lifetime. I know of some supervisors who have managed student staff who are still in touch with those students 20 years later, long after they have retired. It’s funny to talk about our student staff because many of the students I worked with during the early years of Ford are now Purdue Dining & Culinary administrators that I’m happy to call my friends.”

A caring, flexible staff helps Ford remain a popular choice among students today. The dining court serves New York-style brick oven pizza, American cuisine, deli sandwiches and Asian-inspired stir-fries and curries, and includes a grill, salad bar, vegetarian options, ice cream and handmade desserts. Ford has also added an allergen-free station to serve students with dietary restrictions and is well-equipped to adapt to the changing needs of students into the future.

Writer: Matt Vader | Editors: Tammy Loew, Renee Kashawlic, Danielle Fawbush

Editorial Board: John Eckman, Tammy Loew, Renee Kashawlic | Inquiries Contact:

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