Frazee Saluted for Decades of Service to Purdue

Barb Frazee (photo courtesy Hanna Poitras).

Barb Frazee (photo courtesy Hanna Lucille Photography).

Barb Frazee, assistant vice provost for Student Life, celebrated her retirement after 43 years of service to Purdue University.

Frazee spent her entire career at Purdue within the realm of housing and food services. Her dedication to the university dates back to her time as a student when she served as a club officer for the Cavalier Club and worked in dining services in Harrison Hall. She rose through the ranks of what was then known as Housing and Food Services, including stints as a hall director and director of operations, before being named executive director of University Residences in 2006 and assistant vice provost in 2019. She continued to lead University Residences and Dining & Culinary through her retirement.

As executive director, Frazee initiated several keynote programs that promote self-discovery and growth for students living in University Residences. In 2010, she co-founded UR Global, which supports first-year international students as they transition to life at Purdue. UR Global hosts numerous programs throughout the year and features leadership development opportunities through an executive board and peer mentor program.

Frazee also spearheaded the launch of the Women’s Leadership Series to provide opportunities for women students to develop as leaders. A Men’s Leadership Series was added several years later. The series provide opportunities for participants to network and connect with professional mentors, including faculty, staff and alumni, and like-minded peers while exploring the topic of leadership. Series events typically include book discussions, keynote presentations, career-focused development and exploration of well-being in leadership. Each series awards a $1,000 scholarship to an outstanding participant.

The most unique program initiated by Frazee is the Executive in Residence (EiR) program, which brings successful executives to campus to live for a week. Each executive’s visit provides students with opportunities to interact with executives around their areas of expertise and interests in formal and informal settings. From its first participant in 2014, EiR has grown to host 15 executives during the 2023-24 school year and now includes a learning community, student ambassador program, live-in Executive in Residence and spring break trip, where students travel to visit executives in their homes and workplaces. The program recently celebrated its 10th anniversary.

In recognition of her leadership and vision, the Barbara Jean Frazee Endowment for Executive in Residence has been created and will ensure a strong future for the program. The endowment was made possible through the generous contributions of David and Joan Clifton, and Emily and David Liggett. The funds contributed to the endowment will support all aspects of the program and ensure its success long into the future.

Frazee’s time as executive director and assistant vice provost also spearheaded the modernization and construction of numerous residence halls and dining facilities to meet the changing demands of today’s students. University Residences has opened five new residence halls, with two more under construction, and coordinated the master lease of numerous apartment communities under Frazee’s leadership. Many of these projects occurred alongside the modernization of dining services and the construction of new dining facilities.

“There was no way to foresee the tsunami of change coming,” remarked John Sautter, retired vice president of Housing and Food Services, at Frazee’s retirement celebration. “But, Barb handled it. She endured and conquered. She did all this while starting a wonderful family and watching that family expand. Barb is a rare Purdue citizen, having been a student who never left and basically worked every position as she worked her way to the top. She has endured and conquered – and done it with great style and a disarming laugh.”

Barb Frazee and guests (photo Hanna Lucille Photography).

Barb Frazee with former Harrison Hall Waiter Captains who once worked for her (photo courtesy Hanna Lucille Photography).

As significant as any accomplishment, Frazee’s leadership made an impact on staff and students daily. Colleagues speak glowingly of Frazee’s selflessness in the long hours and personal attention she dedicated as a mentor, leader and friend. She taught dining students and staff proper cooking techniques and safe food handling processes, welcomed Boilermaker families as they dropped their students off to attend Purdue, taught young professionals how to pursue their true calling and welcomed students into her own home during the holidays. She connected staff with professionals in the Greater Lafayette community, eased the concerns of frustrated parents, complimented staff on their outstanding work, resolved conflicts and so much more.

“Barb represents everything that is great about the Boilermaker spirit. Her work has impacted generations of students and staff,” remarked Beth McCuskey, vice provost for student life. “She was an unbelievable mentor to everybody she met.”

Frazee has received numerous accolades for her service to the university. She is one of only a few non-faculty members to receive the Violet Haas Award, which recognizes individuals, programs and departments at Purdue that promote the advancement of women at the university. She was recently recognized as the winner of the Student Life Service Award, which honors Purdue alumni who have demonstrated a commitment to their community. Frazee has also been honored with the Helen B. Schleman Medallion from the Barbara Cook Chapter of Mortar Board and the Special Boilermaker Award from the Purdue Alumni Association (now Purdue for Life Foundation). She is an honorary member of the Order of the Iron Key and Purdue Reamer Club. Beyond Purdue, she is an advisor for Tri Kappa, a women’s philanthropic organization with chapters throughout Indiana, and a member of 100 Plus Women Who Care.

Purdue University is ever grateful to Frazee for her decades of service and wishes her the best in retirement.



Writer: Matt Vader | Editors: Tammy Loew, Renee Kashawlic, Danielle Fawbush

Editorial Board: John Eckman, Tammy Loew, Renee Kashawlic | Inquiries Contact:

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