December 2021
Staff Feature
Alumni & Guest Center a Place for Boilermakers to Connect
No matter the group or occasion, the root of the University Residences Alumni & Guest Center's (URGC) mission is to be a place for connecting Boilermakers in all stages of their Purdue experience. Jennifer Reif, associate director for guest relations at the URGC, shares her passion for connection as well as updates on how the URGC is working to build student pride and connect with alumni through history.
Staff Feature
Harrison Service Worker Flies into Retirement
The bond that exists between Ron Morgan, a member of the service staff in Harrison Hall, and the residents of Harrison is immediately evident as one walks around the hall with him. That bond recently led to a gift for Morgan’s upcoming retirement – an airplane ride with two students from his floor.
Special Feature
Macaroni and Cheese Recipe
Celebrate the holidays with Dining & Culinary's macaroni and cheese recipe.